WordPress database error: [Table 'annie_viglielmo.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT ID, COUNT( comment_ID ) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON ( comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1') WHERE ID IN (3) GROUP BY ID

First French woman in podcasting : World conversations about music cultures women society politics - live from Marseille (En-Fr)

12/12/05 Hanife, a modern woman from Turkey

Hanife from Ankara, Turkey, is Meltingtalks’ first guest and a woman who strongly believes in her Democratic Republic’s values and the possibilities of the women to lead their lives as they want…I hope you will like her.
Hanife originaire d’Ankara, Turquie, la première invitée de Meltingtalks, est une femme qui croit fermement dans les valeurs de sa République démocratique et les possibilités qu’ont les femmes de mener leurs vies comme elles le veulent…j’espère que vous apprécierez sa personnalité.

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file 

                    Hanife, Pont entre l’orient et l’occident

WordPress database error: [Table 'annie_viglielmo.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '3' AND comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date

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